Error Pada Mozilla "Entry Point Not Found"

Apabila Mozilla mengeluarkan peringatan "forefox.exe - Entry Point Not Found" yang isinya "The Procedure entry point _except_handler4_common could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll."

Caranya supaya mozilla tidak mengeluarkan peringatan error itu anda harus menghapus suatu data yang ada di system32 yaitu "dwmapi.dll" anda hapus atau anda rename menjadi "" anda tambah di belakangnya dengan kata "off".

Tempat system32 ada di C:\WINDOWS\system32 kemudian anda cari file tadi "dwmapi.dll" yang berextensi ".dll" selanjutnya anda Rename atau anda Dellete file tersebut


Anonim mengatakan...
Asian Orthopaedic Institute may be the an all in one part regarding going to be the Asian Heart Hospital all over the Bandra, Bombay. It has to be that a world-class cardiac care all around the India it has to be that situated at Bandra-Kurla Complex. He is this available all around the Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00 PM as high as 7:00 PM. The institute has to be that located at Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra. The institute also has specialists available as well as offering services and products in your areas about orthopaedics, cardiology, physiotherapy and lot of heart related problems. The institute helps it be quality cardiac care at reasonable rates It could possibly be the India's Highest Accredited Hospital so that you have JCI, NIAHO & ISO certifications.

Yuki mengatakan...

Bagaimana ini, sudah saya coba menghapus dan rename tapi tetap tidak bisa dihapus atau di rename? Mohon sarannya.